Join Missy’s Team

 Missy Magazine: LGBTQ+ Magazine of the University of Mississippi has opened its applications for the Fall 2022 semester. Please see descriptions below for information. Application packets are attached at the bottom of the page and can be submitted via email to

Fall 2022 position applications due: July 1, 2022

Spring 2023 positions applications due: Jan 1, 2022

Why Join Missy?

Missy’s staff gains hands-on experience in the world of publishing and event planning, depending on their position. Being on a student magazine staff gives students a unique opportunity to explore what kind of work they actually enjoy, while not having the same burden as a second job.


Graduating seniors who held a position at Missy during their stay at the University of Mississippi are given a pink cord to walk with at graduation. All staff names are printed in our editions, with exceptions for members who prefer to not be publicly associated.

Missy’s Editors can use their semester-long stay to earn internship credits at the University of Mississippi that can go towards their graudation.


Missy gives students a unique opportunity to work towards social change in Mississippi by bringing accurate representation to and raising the voices of LGBTQ+ Mississippians. Non-fiction content, radio programming and public workshops can all have massive impacts on the perception of LGBTQ+ people in southern culture and help the rest of the country hear the voices of Mississippians, not just our politicians.

Missy staff and volunteers can use the time they spend making decorations for events, baking for bake sales, or helping Missy create content for social media as volunteer hours.


Missy supports its students in new ideas; if you have one, we can help you build it— and your resume. Our staff is supported by a large network of faculty members, department sponsors, students and alumni willing to help bring new ideas to life.

Missy’s Positions

  • Missy’s Faculty Advisor guides production, outreach, and submission decisions, but is a non-voting member of the editorial board (with veto power). The FA handles finances (in conjunction with student editors).

  • The ME

    Overseas meetings

    Establishes deadlines

    Budget (in conjunction with the Faculty Advisor, BA and AE)

    Solicit work

    Communicate with writers/editors

    Assign work

    Proofs submissions

    Tracks author contracts and maintains up-to-date contact information for contributors

    Reads all submissions and must approve the final selection of work (in conjunction with the Masthead and Faculty Editor).

    The ME also looks for opportunities to grow the publication through campus/community outreach, events, and the development of online content.

    The ME is ultimately responsible for guiding the publication and its events to ensure decisions are made in the spirit of the publication’s mission statement.

  • Missy’s Second-in-command supports the ME in all aspects of the magazine’s publication including:

    Acquiring content

    Editing content

    Magazine production

    Running meetings

    Soliciting work

    Printing details

    The AE reads all submissions and provides comments for discussion on publication decisions.

    Ideally, a team member will serve in this role for a year then become ME the next year.

  • Manages billing

    Upkeeps Regions account

    Researches pricings

    Handles purchasing and expenses

    Handles advertising and sponsorship

    Works with Dept. of Writing and Rhetoric for Missy’s University account

  • Coordinates and manages members of the Outreach Team (OT) to help generate submissions and spread the word about Missy.

    This effort can include, but is not limited to:

    Reaching out to other campus clubs & organizations

    Speaking with instructors (who might develop assignments geared toward submissions)

    Putting up flyers

    Tabling in front of the Union (if weather permits)

    Contacting community stakeholders

    Handling social media

    Pitching local publications

    Developing events & fundraisers with editors

    Creating or promoting online content.

    All OT efforts should be documented to ensure proficiency. The OC is not required to read submissions but may be involved in publication decisions if interested.

  • Missy’s Design Editor(s) lay out our print editions and helps create posters for events, using Adobe InDesign and Adobe Express.

  • Missy’s web editor handles website design and update via Squarespace. They’re responsible for website updates and expected to help come up with content ideas.

  • Missy Radio broadcasts content of interests to the local LGBTQ+ community to help spread acceptance for LGBTQ+ Mississippians. Radio staff is responsible for scheduling guests, writing scripts, advertising shows and recording/editing the live broadcast.

    Missy Radio runs via Rebel Radio, meaning that our hosts must apply through Rebel Radio as well. Broadcasts are edited and posted to Spotify via our website.


    Radio Technician - editing broadcasts to be posted as podcasts on Spotify, pre-recording interviews via zoom when scheduling conflicts arise

    Show Director - scheduling guests, planning programming

    Show Host - hosts 1 hour weekly radio show (during the semester) from Bishop Hall, helping show director with programming, helping technician with recording

    We CAN have more than one host, technician or director. Some people are more comfortable hosting the radio show with a friend, and if we have enough interest we can have more than one weekly show. See website for information on past shows.

  • Responsible for

    Soliciting non-fiction work

    Assigning staff writers non-fiction stories on LGBTQ issues

    Sorting non-fiction submissions

    Workshopping with non-fiction contributors

    Help arrange non-fiction workshops

    Making sure Missy covers pressing issues ethically

  • Responsible for :

    Soliciting non-fiction work

    Assigning staff writers poetry stories on LGBTQ issues

    Sorting poetry submissions

    Workshopping with poetry contributors

    Help arrange poetry workshops

  • Responsible for :

    Volume art-direction

    Soliciting work

    Choosing work in conjunction with editorial board

    Event visual concepts

    The AE may also pitch/organize art-related events and/or small-batch publications (like posters or prints) to managing team.

  • Each digital media editor will be responsible for posting on a specific platform ( Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Tik Tok, etc.) and communicating with the rest of the Outreach Team to make sure content is used across multiple accounts.

  • Responsible for :

    Soliciting fiction work

    Sorting fiction submissions

    Workshopping with fiction contributors

    Help arrange fiction workshops

  • Responsible for:

    Soliciting photography

    Organizing photography

    Choosing photos

    Taking photos at Missy events

    Assigning staff photographers to projects when need be to make sure Missy covers a wide range of events, developments and news relevant to the LGBTQ+ community in Oxford.

  • This year, a Missy member approached us asking us to create an organization o pair budding drag queens and mtf transgender people with big sisters - LGBTQ+ women, allies or more experienced queens. To us, this sounded like a sorority, and we’re happy to build one from Missy that might long outlive our publication. At the same time, we also intend to start the inverse program as a fraternity for male-identifying LGBTQ+ students. We see this as a great opportunity to get LGBTQ+ students involved in greek life in the same way that our straight counterparts are able to be. One program editor will be charged with helping to further establish this program.

    Missy also needs a programs editor to help plan long term workshop series and build community partnerships alongside the Outreach Editor.

  • Missy would be happy to welcome faulty or community members to mentor our staff in a variety of areas. Please reach out if you’re interested.

  • See file

  • Staff Writers pick up non-fiction assignments from the non-fiction and news editor.

  • Staff Photographers may be given assignments by the photography or non-fiction editors.

All UM students— regardless of program or campus — are eligible to be Missy Editors.

Anyone associated with the University of Mississippi is eligible to have their work published in Missy. That means current students, faculty, staff, alumni, drop-outs, accepted students - regardless of the timeline. Work can be submitted to and will be considered up until one month prior to issue publication for each issue.

To avoid excluding closeted students who want to serve as editors, please note this situation on your application— and include your chosen pen name or pseudonym at the top of the paperwork.

Faculty Advisors please email for information on how to apply. Grad students and UM employees are eligible.

Other ways to get involved with Missy:

VOLUNTEER - Anyone can volunteer to help build Missy’s projects

DONATE - Donations for Missy can be sent via paypall or cashapp.

SHARE - Spread the word about Missy